Typical Food in Rio Croa: Rio Croa, located in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, is a true natural and cultural paradise. In addition to the stunning landscapes and the spiritual connection with the forest, the region’s cuisine stands out for its use of traditional Amazonian ingredients. The riverside residents preserve ancestral recipes, valuing the authentic flavors of the land and the rivers.
Fish from the region
Fish is the staple diet of the Croa River communities. Prepared in a variety of ways, it is always fresh and very tasty.
Dried and roasted pirarucu: Called the “cod of the Amazon”, pirarucu is one of the most popular fish. It can be eaten dried, fried or grilled, often accompanied by manioc flour.
Tambaqui stew: Made with parts of the tambaqui cooked with Amazonian herbs, caldeirada is a nutritious and much-loved dish.
Monqueca de peixe: A kind of soup thickened with manioc flour and prepared with regional spices.

Cassava and its Derivatives
Typical Foods in Rio Croa: Cassava is one of the most important ingredients in Amazonian cuisine and is present in most dishes.
Farinha de Cruzeiro do Sul: Famous for its crunchiness and unique flavor, this flour accompanies almost every meal, especially fish dishes.
Tacacá: A typical soup made with tucupi (fermented cassava broth), jambu, dried shrimp and tapioca gum. It’s a hot and invigorating dish that is widely consumed in the region.
Beiju: Made from tapioca dough, beiju can be served plain or stuffed with coconut, cheese or dried meat.
Fruits of the Amazon
Typical food in Rio Croa: The fruits of the forest are part of the daily life of the riverside dwellers, whether consumed naturally or in the preparation of juices and sweets.
Açaí: Unlike the version consumed in other regions of Brazil, açaí in Acre is served pure or accompanied by flour and fish.
Cupuaçu: Used in juices, sweets and creams, cupuaçu has a unique flavor and is much appreciated by the residents of Rio Croa.
Buriti: Rich in nutrients, buriti is used in the production of juices and traditional sweets.
Traditional drinks
Caiçuma: A fermented drink made from manioc, traditionally prepared by the indigenous people and consumed in rituals and festivities.
Amazonian herbal tea: Many plants from the forest are used to make medicinal and energizing teas.
The cuisine of Rio Croa is a true expression of Amazonian culture, based on natural ingredients and recipes handed down for generations. Those who visit the region have the opportunity to taste authentic dishes, prepared with care and respect for nature, making the experience even more unforgettable.