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How to get Rapé

How to get Rapé: Snuff is a substance traditionally used in various indigenous cultures in South...

Cassava, the versatile plant

Introduction We will explore cassava, a versatile plant, in detail, covering its scientific...

The Croa River in June

In June, the waters of the Croa River, in the heart of Acre, witness a metamorphosis that enhances...

Croa River in May

In the majestic natural setting of Acre, the month of May brings with it a particularly dazzling...

Typical Cruzeiro do Sul Market

Cruzeiro do Sul Markets: A Show of Flavors and Local Culture Typical Cruzeiro do Sul Market: On...

Tapioca-Derived Gum

Tapioca-Derived Gum: In the vast Brazilian cuisine, tapioca is a delicacy that transcends borders...

Croa River in April

Croa River in April: In April, this River reveals a subtle transformation, marking the transition to...

Croa River in March

Croa River in March: In March, the banks of the Croa River, in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, witness a...



Crôa Aventurismo

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